Ways American Longevity Can Help You Reach Your Loftiest
Financial Goals
The products Dr. Wallach
endorses and offers through Youngevity are known
as the Majestic Earth line of liquid supplements:
Majestic Earth
Sports Tech
And More
Formulated from organic colloidal trace minerals literally
mined from a prehistoric plant deposit. The Majestic Earth
Mineral line could be your ticket to fortune.
Six Reasons
Here are six reasons why you should consider becoming an
Youngevity distributor directly with Dr. Wallach.
Reason #1:
Mineral Doctor
Veteran of thousands of radio talk shows, creator of the
best-selling tape, Dead Doctors Don't Lie, Dr. Wallach is
THE expert on trace minerals… and what happens to the
human body when it lacks them. More importantly, Dr.
Wallach knows how to dynamically market those concepts.
He's the one you want on your side… and by joining him,
you'll get all the help you can handle.
Reason #2:
Doctors Don't Lie
With millions distributed, this breakthrough tape in
health and well-being is a contender for being the most
informative tool of all time. Dead Doctors Don't Lie sends
cracks through the medical establishment with a scathing
look at a minerally-deficient America. And it has the
information to turn more listeners into excited customers.
Reason #3:
Duplicatable Success
Every step you'll take has already been designed, tested,
revised, revamped… and proven! This is a well worn road
you'll follow that can lead to untold success. You just
simply copy what Mineral Doctor distributors have done!
We'll show you how.
Reason #4:
Old Boomers
Certainly the timing of the American Longevity products
couldn't be better. In 1996, the first of the baby boomers
turned fifty. And with that milestone, a tidal wave of
Americans are now wanting to preserve their health and
vitality. The exciting news is - you can be in a position
to give baby boomers exactly what they want.
Reason #5:
Over Traditional Medicine
Not everyone is willing to go under the knife on just a
doctor's say so. Increasingly, Americans are electing
different approaches to formerly “inevitable”
diseases, diseases due, at least in part, to minerally-deficient
soil .
Reason #6:
“Re-Mineralized” People Feel
Many who supplement report “feeling a big difference” from
the first dose. Which may explain the fantastic growth
experienced by Youngevity.
Let someone who's
actually done it show you how. Make the decision today to
make the Mineral Doctor your partner. Don't wait! Contact
us today!